Between you and me, there are certain information that must be kept in the dark. This kind of information too confidential to be made public can break even the best of scholars. For legal reasons I myself cannot share with you said classified information directly. Don’t get me wrong, there are loopholes that allow me to release these unfathomable atrocities. Through the means of fictional scenarios, I am able to express all that I know without persecution. Bare with me for though as outrageous and fictitious it may be, the world has witness stranger things.
Keep in mind the sole reason as to why such ridiculous information must and should be kept hidden from the public. Not to keep the people ignorant but to maintain a sense of order. Government officials mean well. Why else would they be, and remain, in office. Having everything out in the open is not as rewarding as you would assume. Other wise there would be civil unrest all year round. People would continue to occupy state capitals or worse, raid them. Luck it be, we are dealing with fictional scenarios.
Events such as raiding the capital is what fiction is all about. There is no comprehensible way that could ever happen for the laws set before us would prevent an escalation. There are chain of commands that one must go through before ever setting foot on capital grounds. But before I go on a tangent, allow me to share with you an insightful plot deemed too unreal to be true. I trust you will keep this between us or for the very least remain anonymous with your shares.
You see, in my field of expertise, I have access to countless information no one must repeat; let alone emulate as a plot for some movie. These classified files I was entrusted to, “Get rid of,” I on occasion read a few or two. Some of the information I managed to read have already made it to the general public consensus by the means of fictional books that later were adapted to movies and shows. These classified files date back further than you can imagine.
The more I was tasked to store and delete these classified information, the more I began to paint a picture as to where we as a civilization are heading. You wouldn’t believe me even if I showed you the damn files myself. This fictional story I share with you is only a glimpse. A small window to the mind of our overlords goals for the masses. You may laugh them off as fiction but know they exist. They exist for I exist in pen and paper as skin and bones.
Knowing what I know, I realize and make sense as to why things are the way they are. Why the world functions the way it does. But I alone cannot change the course of time. I alone cannot right the wrongs of many generations before me. I can only express them through the best form people seem to understand, story telling. Through the means of literature can I escape the torment that follows if I ever break my oath. Literature is my endgame.
With this in mind, allow me to share with you a piece of the puzzle to the ever expanding conspiracy theory. What you are about to read is pure fiction and nothing more. A short disclaimer, the events taken place in this dramatized story is inspired by true events. Events I read on paper I was ordered to, “Get rid of.” I am not responsible for how your reality shifts upon finishing this tall tale of wonder. Proceed at your own risk.
“Will this work?” The president of the United States asked as he finished reading a file given to him by his trustees. He analyzed, trying to wrap his mind around such an impossible task. “This seems too illogical.” He criticized, “It’s pseudoscience at best but can this truly work?” He turned to his trustees once more. Two men in white coats stood before the President. They remained silent. “How am I to convince the people of this if what you expect me to say sounds too illogical.”
“We expect you to do your part.” One answered shortly after.
They stood motionless as the President read his lines again. The information given to him to regurgitate to the general mass would certainly raise eyebrows but what more could he do. With the world at the brink of awakening this new project looming will without a doubt break the camels back. People will no longer be naïve. Their suspicion will peak interest even to the clueless of minds. The President read his lines once more. Then addressed his trustees.
“Gentlemen,” The President began, “We do not need more people waking up to the truth. The chemicals alone won’t be enough. If you decide to go through with this, you will have more people to deal with. You won’t be able to silence them all.” His trustees remained silent, motionless. “There will be more civil unrest.” The President finished, “Circus and bread. Without it, expect the nation to perish.”
“We expect you to do your part.” One repeated.
“You plan on detonating how many nuclear bombs exactly?” The President spoke out of character. “A comet the size of Texas? That’s your red herring. You truly believe people will be convinced by all of that?” His two trustees stood before him with a glazed look in their eyes. They seemed distant, spaced out but present. “You will only cause more people to raise suspicion and that is the last thing we need.” The President leaned back in his chair, brainstorming for other possible explanations.
“We expect you to do your part.” One of his trustees repeated, dry and monotone.
“I don’t mean to break character.” The President explained. “I know my role. I’m just not convinced by the science behind this project. You want me to convince the people that we are going to detonate,” he skimmed through the papers before him, “Four nuclear bombs in our own back yard and two in Japan to alter Earth’s orbit from the sun.” He paused to get some agreement from his trustees. They remained detached. Their eyes empty and hollow.
“Even by a few meters,” the President added, “It all screams pseudoscience. You mean to tell me with a couple of nuclear bombs we can shift Earth’s orbit off by just a fraction?” His trustees stood silent. “And your reasoning is that some asteroid big enough to split Earth in half is on its way towards us.” The President sat in dismay. He analyzed the data his trustees gathered for him to process. The math, graphs and charts each made sense to some degree.
“If this works,” the President concluded, “How will we know that Earth will remain in the goldilocks zone?” He looked at his trustees. “How will we know that Earth won’t go off course? If we manage to shift Earth’s orbit around the sun, how will we know Earth won’t collide with the other neighboring planets?” He skimmed through the pages he held in his hand. “Your research says nothing about that.” His trustees turned to each other then back at him.
“Let us worry about that.” One answered. “We will do our part.”
“We expect you to do yours.” The other repeated.
History came and went as planned. By detonating nuclear bombs at certain regions on Earth we were made to believe in the impossible. And yet the impossible proved us wrong. We watched as the bombs fell. Heard its demonic explosion echo in the air. Felt its fire spread hell on Earth. One after the other, their plot to rid Earth from the universe was in full effect. If war did not rid man from existence then the next best thing would be to get rid of man’s home, Earth.
What we tend to overlook is the fact that we as humans don’t bother to ask the right question. Maybe because we narrow our focus to things that only deemed of importance to us. But us are not we and we are not you. Just because you say the sky is blue does not mean the sky is in fact blue. To some the sky may be gray or at certain times the sky may be orange. Not everyone sees the same even if they are seeing the same thing.
These creatures I have mentioned have been with us long before man tamed fire. They carry themselves as guardians. Some kind of protectors of the galaxy but if you ask me the only thing they are protecting is their own interest. They don’t think of us as their equals. They don’t even think of us as their slaves. All they are really doing is exploiting the human race for all our resources. At least that’s what the files I’ve been ordered to get rid of say.
Take what you’ve read with a grain of salt. Believe at your own expense. Trust is no longer on the table. The only thing we can do, moving forward, is proceed with caution. Seeing is believing they say but in this day of age even sight can be deceiving. Now remember if anyone asks we never met. This never happened and you didn’t hear it from me.